Friday, September 25, 2009

Daisy Chain Ruffle Skirt

When I was in Utah a few months back I splurged and bought a few snippets of Amy Butler's Daisy Chain fabric...I love it!! I wanted just enough to make a cute little ruffle skirt and here it is. It's a little too big for Bryn right now...but it will be perfect for spring....and it goes well with her Tropical Getaway tank! I'm a little addicted to little girl's skirts right now...I need to work on some other decorating ideas for my bedroom makeover!
p.s. Do you know how much I would love a new camera...these pictures
just aren't doing justice. *sigh*


  1. tiered skirts are so cute! i love this one...looks fab. with the top too!

    i love making twirl skirts pattern & lots of ooo's and aaaa's from my daughter over the finished product!


I always love hearing from you...thanks for your comments!!! Feel free to email me with any questions! Happy Crafting!