Upcycling is the cool thing these days and I've really been starting to get into it. I love all the creative ideas everyone has with how to completely change a piece of clothing in to something totally different! Making cute
lounge pants from an old T-shirt is one of the popular transformations out there. Here are a few links to some tutorials on them.
And here's what I did!
1.) First you need a pants pattern to use. Or you can just wing it!
Check out this old-school pattern my mom gave me...and look at that price!
2.) And you need a shirt! You can try to find a shirt where the picture would end up on the leg of the pants or if your pants are small enough, position the pattern so the picture will be where you want it. Since the pants I made were a 4T, I didn't have much choice.
3.) Place your pants pattern on the shirt, pin, and cut out.

4.) Fold each leg in half, right sides together, matching up inseams. Sew up inseam. Serge the edge or leave it raw.
5.) With right sides together (turn one leg right-side out), put one leg inside the other. Match up the inseams where the crotch is. Fit crotch seams together and pin up both sides of pants to the waist. Sew from back of waistband, through crotch, and to front of waistband. Serge.
6.) Make a casing at the waist. Leave 2" opening in back to put elastic through.
7.) Measure the child's waist to determine length for elastic. Thread elastic through casing at waist. Sew elastic ends together and push back into casing. Sew opening in casing closed and insert tag or ribbon if desired.
8.) Hem bottom of pants if necessary. Mine were long enough that I could use the already
existing hem of the T-shirt.
9.) And you're done!!!
10.) Put your comfy pants on your cute kid and have a

Look at you! Those turned out AWESOME!! I so want to go through Scott's old shirts now and make some for K-man.
These turned out so cute and your tutorial was much easier to read then the ones you linked to.
Those turned out great! My boys are 4 and 5. I'm going to go raid my hubby's closet now. I know I have a few Marine shirts of his brothers that I could use. :O)
How cool is that??? Love it!!
Ok, I'm going to go through my hubby's clothes now....thanks for this great tutorial=)
Ok, I am not an expert seamstress...so, I was so proud when this actually turned out good for me! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU=) I'll email you the pic of my finished pants tonight. This tutorial was so easy to follow and I am so HAPPY with the results!
These are so cute, Lynette! How I wish that I had a t-shirt with something on the front!! I have this up on my sidebar today :o)
wow those pictures at the end look like the white could glow in the dark. Cute idea though. I am sure my husband has some t-shirts in his closet that will be missing soon.
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