Do you have a ruffle foot for your sewing machine? It is the coolest thing ever! I bought one a long time ago and it took me months before I ever tried to use it, but once I did I was soo happy!! No pulling threads or trying to get a perfectly even does it for you! Here's what my ruffle foot looks like.
And here's what I quickly whipped up the other day with it.
I just cut some strips of knit fabric,
ruffled them up,
and sewed them on a $2 sweatshirt from WallyWorld.
Quick and easy! Here are a few more pictures of my little model. And yes, she is wearing fake leather pants...who could resist them when they were only $1 at Target!
And here's a close up of her little hair flower...I still love rolled rosettes!

I was just looking at one of these today at Joanns & thought it was too good to be true. Now I think I have to go back to get one. Very cool! And your little model is adorable by the way. :)
I would love one of these...they are just so expensive for my bernina. Hmmm. Someday. So glad you're feeling great and back into sewing a bit.
I would love to try a ruffle foot. I have not bought any accessory feet for my machine yet, but that could be so much fun! :)
My dd has those same pants btw and loves them! hehe
love the ruffles, love the clip, but REALLY LOVE THE PANTS!
I've never seen a ruffler foot like that.
I have one of those big honker ruffler attachments that I kinda hate.
I would love to know more about that foot. What kind of machine do you have? Those ruffles look awesome!
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